
Showing posts from June, 2022

Frome Firsts!

  Putting Frome Running Club firmly on the map was Paul Horton’s half marathon result in the Kempton Half Marathon which he completed in 1:29 , a PB, 12 th overall in the whole race and first in his age category (MV 55 -59). Amazing result!   Paul Horton justly proud of his medal and excellent result in the Kempton Half Marathon Bratton Hilly 11k The Bratton Hilly 11k race was held on a hot late Spring weekend. Three Frome runners did themselves proud that day with Ted Sprules finishing 1 st in age category (MV60) in a time of 51:20, Lynn Brand crossing the line also first in age category (FV60) 1:01 and Rachel Bala (FSEN) finishing in a competitive time of 1:10, congratulations to all.   Lynn Brand, Ted Sprules and Rachel Bala at the end of the Bratton Hilly 11k race   Edinburgh Marathon Ellie Burford travelled north of the Scottish border up to Edinburgh to compete in the city’s annual marathon, finishing in