Frome Running Club Race Report July 2022

On 6th July Ted Sprules took on the challenge of the Chippenham Tri Midweek Duathlon which involved a 10 mile bike race and a 2 mile run. Sprightly Ted finished this challenge in a time of 55:01, earning himself first place supvet 60 and 11th place overall. Well done Ted.

The Avon Valley Relay is a 17 mile ‘pass the baton’ relay over four self-navigated stages along the roads and towpaths between Winsley and Trowbridge via Melksham through the beautiful Avon Valley. A Frome team consisting of Barrie Knight, Jo Fordham and Ben Spicer participated on this hot summer’s day, they should be justly proud of themselves. 

                                                                Jo Fordham in the AVR relay                                    

                                                    Ben Spicer crossing the line for Frome

Frome Running Club offers both on and off-road training and welcomes new members, whatever the ability. For more details, visit